
February’s journey of the month is about Preparedness.

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Do you know what the opposite of euphoric is?

Finding yourself in an unfortunate situation without a plan or supplies! That’s way we address this emergency preparedness at the Euphoric Life Journey.  Panic makes Love Locks attack.

This month I want you to think about unplanned and uncontrollable situations and start creating a checklist of supplies that you’ll need in case of an emergency.

Then start building kits for each of those situations.

Unfortunate Situations to start with:

Weather Related Emergencies

Create a list of supplies and then build your kit for weather emergencies.

Makes sure that you have food, water, power options for charging cell phones, heating and cooling.

Do you know your evacuation zones?

If you don’t have water, how will you potty or wash up?


The Common Cold and Other Creepy Crawlies

Create a kit that has basic cold medications for all the members of your family, easy nonperishable comfort food (like soup and frozen juice), and needed phone numbers (doctor, dentist, veterinarian, & pediatrician).

Car Problems

Create a kit that has who you will call for help (AAA), appropriate shoes if you have to walk, having some food (protein bar) and water, and if you live in a cold area a blanket for warmth.

A Tool kit

Please make sure that you have some basic tools in your house.

Don’t Forget To Also Have or Know

A paper phone list with all of your phone numbers on it.  Don’t rely on your cell phone to store those numbers because one mishap and you’re completely disconnected.

Make sure you know how to:

  • Turn off the water (main, toilets, sink, ice maker, and water heater) in your home.
  • Shut off the gas and electricity.
  • Insurance protocols
  • Batteries in smoke and carbon detectors



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