Saturday Trip

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Today is the day to set up your Journey Guide and plan for the week.

Without a plan, nothing would ever get done. Creating a euphoric life takes planning.

Here are some things to create a plan for:

What are your goals for the week and what days will you work on them?

What is your menu plan for the week and when do you need to go shopping?

What are you wearing this week and is the laundry done?

What are you rewarding yourself with this week from the Appreciation Plan?

Are you set up for your Healthy Habits?  Water bottles, menu plan, exercise schedule, etc.

What will your TLC be for the week?

When will you do your Loving Me Quest this week?


Write it all down in your Journey Guide. Spend 15 minutes making a plan for the week. Remember progress not perfect. Get it done!

And then RELAX!


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